Monday 2 December 2013

Sketching faces

These are the sketches that I started with, and I am pretty happy with the way that they turned out. I got the origional sketches off of Pinterest, so I don't actually know the people in the pictures.

I did these first drawings off of sketches already done by other people, because I figured that it would be easier to learn that way. By doing this, I could see the pencil strokes and the techniques of others and learn from them, so I could later use those techniques for my own pictures! Also, if I start by drawing pictures of people that I don't know, then if I make a mistake or change their appearances accidentally, then no one will notice. Since I am just starting, this way I will not be pressured to make the sketches look perfect and I can just use them for practise. Hopefully that makes sense!
I have already started on some sketches of people that I know, and I have finished one of my sister, Kyra, that I will be posting soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great start to your study of pencil sketching. I think your plan to spend more time on this medium is reasonable. It'll be cool to see a sketch of someone we know.
