Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Connecting passion to faith, and wrapping the whole thing up

So as this semester comes to a close, you may be wondering why on earth I was doing a photography blog for Bible class... The reason for this is to bring to our (the students and readers alike) attention that your faith is connected to all parts of your life. Hobbies, passions, occupations, they all are completely relevant. As a Christian I am called to live for God in all aspects of my life, and this means finding ways that we can honour Him while doing that. Which is actually very easy, as you don't have to look very hard.
We spent time in class working through some biblical throughlines and how they can be applied to our projects. By using the passion for photography that God gave to me, I am able to connect it to many biblical throughlines, however I am choosing to write about the 3 that I find apply the most.

Photography is a fantastic way to enjoy and explore God's beautiful creation. By capturing the wonder and complexity of it all, we can learn to notice the glory of God in anything and everything. Not only does this apply to the photography of nature, but also when taking pictures of people, and even architecture, which is inspired by nature in many aspects. And what better way to enjoy and remember it than through moments captured through the lens!

Beauty- Creating
Photography is a form of creativity. We can "create" by capturing pieces of God's creation through photography, and as we do this we are reflecting and honouring the beauty of it all. In a way it is very similar to creating artwork. I heard somewhere that in order to be a fantastic photographer you need you "think like a painter", and I couldn't agree more. You learn to see the beauty in simple, everyday things, and set up the picture in a way that gives it the most potential.  Since God is the #1 creater, we reflect him when we create. I'd also imagine that it is pleasing to Him when we honour Him by doing so.

By meeting and discovering other people with similar passions, we can build friendships and a sense of community. Like many things, photography has a way of bringing people together. By honouring and valuing everyones gifts and hobbies, you can build friendships that otherwise never would have been, and since God has designed us to be in relationships with others, this is a fantastic way to do so and practice your Christian influence!

So I guess this marks an end to my grade 12 passion project! Looking back, I think I pretty much reached all of my goals. I experimented and practiced some new photography techniques/ types such as landscapes, portraits, different types of lighting, etc. My mentors for this project were my aunt and uncle, who also love photography and have quite a bit more wisdom than I do regarding the subject. I went to them quite a bit for their thoughts on the lenses I was researching, and they leant me their own lens (which has a focal length range of 55-200mm) so I could try it out and use it to help me make my final decision. So a big thanks goes out to them! :)
While I didn't quite get around to sunsets, that was replaced by some macro photography, so I did as much I expected I would. The goals I set for myself to accomplish didn't necessarily get reached at the times I had planned out (which I will talk more about at the end of this post), but I expected this. Photography goes hand in hand with inspiration and ideas, so its not really something you can set an exact time line for, in my case at least! My only regret for this project was that I didn't seem to have very much visual aspects to show, compared to the amount that I actually did. Things such as research (and more research and more research... :) ) can only really be shown to a certain extent. At least without boring the reader, not to mention the writer as well!

I learned a bit about myself too, I suppose. First off is that I have a hard time getting inspired. Either I feel like taking pictures or I don't, which isn't always the best when you have goals that need to be reached! However I also learned that if you simply pick up your camera and go looking for inspiration, you are bound to find some along with some fantastic opportunities. Also (although I sort of knew this before) I found that I am not the best at making decisions. Choosing something as big (for me, at least) as a lens is a rather large commitment, which is a big reason why it took me so long to decide. However  I suppose it is better than taking hardly any time and regretting my decision.

My goals for my new lens were reached, however not quite exactly the way I planned them to be. I did do a lot of research, and I did purchase a fantastic lens, but time wise I was a bit behind. This lead to me not being able to use my new lens for this project, however I will get the opportunity to use it for the rest of my life! My passion for photography is definitely not ending with this project, just as it didn't begin with it either.

A big thanks to all of you who have read this blog, I hope you enjoyed doing so!

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