Tuesday, 30 December 2014

mountains and more.

My family went down to Whitefish, Montana this Christmas Break, so I was able to take some pictures of the beautiful mountains and scenery. The view was just fantastic, however I do wish that I could have taken my camera up to the summit, as the view from up there was even more stunning. Alas, I did not trust my first-time-skiing abilities enough to bring my camera with me! So here are a few of my favourites...

As you can probably see in many of my pictures, I absolutely love capturing clouds in my landscapes. In my opinion, the entirely different texture adds to the pictures, more often than not.  I am also a big fan of the swirly grey background that clouds create.
I do love how the white snow is in such a contrast with the trees as well, giving it an (almost) black and white feel.
I also, as always, try to keep the rule of thirds going. This however, is more apparent in some pictures than in others.

 This last one would probably be my favourite if not for one thing: Those darn wires in the bottom left corner. I probably could do something about them if I was good at editing, but seeing as I cannot, there they shall stay. Ah well, if you squint you can't really see them, right? :p But the blues of the mountains mixing with the grey sky, and framed by the harsher black (or dark green) and white of the trees and snow? Beautiful.


  1. I didn't even notice the wires (until you pointed them out). The rich blue in the photo certainly commands attention, so the wires are an afterthought. Mountains or prairie, you've been able to show the beauty of landscape, and I enjoy your penchant for clouds. Happy New Year!

  2. Love that last picture, Riley!
