Well, here is my first official blog post. I decided to ease my way into this project, so I have started with an art form that I am already slighty familiar with: Pen and Ink. All you need to create a pen and ink drawing is thin tipped pens, not unlike fine tipped sharpies. For the first artpiece I did, I mainly used a common type of pen stroke called hatching, or cross hatching. Here is the picture below:
The picture above is a quick example of cross hatching. As you can see, the more lines there are, the darker it looks.
I also made another art piece using pen and ink, but this time with a different drawing method.
For this drawing of a leaf, I used a technique called stippling, of which there is an example of below.
Stippling uses tiny dots to create value and shades of grey with black pen. The closer together the dots are, the darker the tone. I was happy with the way the drawing of the leaf turned out, you just need a lot of patience with this technique. One can get tired of dots pretty fast! :)
So that brings us to the end of this post. I hope you enjoyed reading it, and please feel free to give feedback, make comments, criticize, ask questions (though I probably will not be able to answer most of them :) ) etc. etc. And if you want some more information on pen and ink, I found some very good stuff at http://drawsketch.about.com/library/blinktexture.htm . Well, that's all for now! Till next time, Riley
"But you learn from your mistakes, right?" Right! Learning involves mistakes. No mistakes means I'm likely not learning or that what I'm learning is very simple. Great quote and an important attitude to ensure success and growth.